In the following we will explain to you how to make the supplier evaluation form. This form will help you update your suppliers.
Your business will not develop if you don’t innovate. In addition to continuing to look for buyers who will become your loyal customers, you also have to do an evaluation of your suppliers. You need this supplier evaluation form excel to help you find out what you need to update to evaluate suppliers.
But not everyone can apparently be accustomed to evaluating suppliers, because business owners assume that so far there are many items that are still in high demand. You don’t know what factors are related to the supplier so you need to evaluate it.
Table of Contents
Supplier Evaluation Form
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How to Make Supplier Evaluation form
The form you need is filled with important points relating to the items you get from suppliers. So you can also update your stocks for consumers who buy directly from you.
Previously you also need to know what are the developments that occur on the goods you sell, or the services you offer. And adjust to the desires of consumers.
Once you know that you need to evaluate some or all of your suppliers, you can start by making a checklist on your form. Besides the checklist you can make room for you to write notes or information about each point.
You can start with a supplier list alphabetically or the longest time you have worked with them. Then detail what items they supply to you. Do the goods fit your business interests, you can check them by seeing if the supplier goods are still your stock, which ones are the longest and most difficult to sell. You can update the items so they don’t pile up into stocks that are too long.
After that, also check whether the price given by your supplier is the best price. Do you, as a customer, see any other supplier that sells cheaper with the same quality. This is important for you in determining your future sale price for the item. If you buy it with expensive then you will also sell it at a high price and you will not be able to compete with your competitors.
Besides the price you can write a list for the quality of the goods. Is there a stock with quality that is not in line with your expectations, is there a lot of goods that you return because of production failure. You can compare with other suppliers who sell the same goods, compare with your suppliers.
Then the loyalty of your suppliers is also important. Has there been an unfair attitude from your suppliers towards their buyers or agents like you. For example, you are only given less goods compared to other agents. This is enough to make you think again not to continue to use that supplier.
Double check how the suppliers respond to speed when you need goods from them, do you have to wait long enough to get them. This will also affect your distribution to your customers. If it’s too long don’t be surprised if many of your customers are moving.
Well, the existence of these suppliers also affects your turnover later. Because the goods you sell depend on the presence of your supplier.
Supplier Evaluation Form Template

Supplier Evaluation Form Template
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If you are still confused to make your own supplier evaluation form, you can use our supplier evaluation form template. We provide it to help you at least do a checklist in order to evaluate your suppliers.
This template is very useful because you can use it many times. To evaluate suppliers you can’t do it once or twice, so to save time you should use our supplier evaluation form template.
Evaluate your suppliers at least once every 3 to 6 times. So in a year you do at least 2 times an evaluation of suppliers. This aims to maintain the quality and price of your goods.
Supplier Evaluation Form Excel

Supplier Evaluation Form Excel
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The supplier evaluation form template in excel makes it easy for you to checklist with columns already available in excel. You will be easier to use it not only to evaluate but also to add points you need to evaluate from your suppliers.
This form in Excel can be edited by reducing the columns or adding columns. You can also use features in Excel to make it more interesting and easy to read.
Preliminary Supplier Evaluation Form
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Supplier Evaluation Form PDF

Supplier Evaluation Form 04

Supplier Evaluation Form 05

Supplier Evaluation Form 08

Supplier Evaluation Form 10
Supplier Evaluation Form Sample

Supplier Evaluation Form Sample
After you get a few of these supplier evaluation form sample you can start updating the quality of your suppliers. Establish cooperation that is not only good but also healthy so that your business continues to grow and your suppliers can grow because of your innovative evaluations.