At this time when you buy a cellphone, the support of the simcard used is not a simcard with a large form or standard sim like simcard used in the year of 2000s. Starting in 2010 smartphone technology has evolved. A mini-size simcard was created which is now called the Nano sim. But to use it sometimes we have trouble if the cellphone and simcard do not match. Therefore we need a nano Sim template to make it easier to use simcards in various sizes.
Not a problem if when buying a cell phone already supported by nano sim templates, so that when we enter the simcard we do not trouble. But not all mobile purchases come with a template for simcards.
The picture is like this, we buy a new cellphone in 2019 where the new output cellphone can be used if our simcard is mini or nano. But we already have a simcard first since the 2000s, where the size of the simcard at that time was still standard. Well, will we change the number just to get a nano-sized simcard? Many people find it difficult to change telephone numbers.
Finally they chose to cut the simcard card into nano-sized. But lack of knowledge, then the simcard cutting error occurred. And instead the simcard cannot be used because of an error in cutting. Can cut with the same size does not mean right, because we have to adjust the yellow copper on the simcard that must remain intact.
Why should we use Nano Sim template?
To avoid mistakes in cutting the simcard, use the nano sim template. Often we feel annoyed, because it has been painstakingly cut a small and hard simcard, but instead it is wrong and simcard can not be used.
In addition, after we cut the simcard into nano-sized, our simcard automatically becomes small. Well, what if we change the old cellphones that use the standard simcard size?
Therefore, the nano sim template was made. This template is very useful for those of you who are confused by the size of the simcard that does not match the cell phone. If you have 2 cellphones, the first cellphone is the one that you bought using the standard simcard while you currently buy a cellphone that is supported by Nano Sim. The solution is to use nano sim templates.
When you use a cellphone with standard simcard support, you can use the nano sim template again so that your simcard is back to standard. When you use a cell phone that is supported by nano sim, then you just have to remove the nano sim template and use your simcard directly to the cell phone.
Current technology is developing rapidly. But some human brains are still not able to follow it. Not many lay people know that the solution to that problem is the nano sim template. They mostly choose to discard the simcard and change a new telephone number.
When purchasing a new simcard, available pieces up to nano sim size. There are 3 cut patterns that you can use, standard size, middle, or nano. You can adjust it with your mobile device. And don’t throw away your simcard template. So you can use it anytime.
Here follows the discussion on how to use the nano sim template.
How to Use Nano Sim template?
Nano sim is a tiny size of simcard that we use it on new smartphones. But not all new cellphones use nano sim device support. There are still many cellphones that use middle or standard sized sim cards.
We provide nano sim templates for you. You can get it on this site. In the template we have prepared a pattern that suits your needs, middle or nano sim.
You can print it and paste it on your sim card. You can just cut the simcard according to the size needed with the nano sim template guide.
So what if we already cut nano sim but one day we need a simcard not nano size? You need to find a standard sized simcard to make it a template for you. You can cut it with a special tool to cut the simcard, and paste the pieces back together.
This method is quite easy for you if you are able to save the nano sim template. After you cut your simcard into nano-sized sim, do not immediately discard your pieces. You can save it for you to paste it back on. Therefore, how to cut nano sim also requires expertise. We can not cut it carelessly because simcard pieces can no longer be installed.
If you come to cellphone counters, you can ask them to help make a nano sim template on your simcard. You can just use it without confused cutting. Because they have cut our simcard with the appropriate pattern.